We had the nuchal translucency genetic testing today. We will hear the blood results in about 7 days; but according to the chief ultrasound tech and the doc the ultrasound looks good. They gave us a CD-R with a few still photos and video. So for those interested and for my mother here is what got to see!
I was so excited and happy to the heart beat I started laughing which made the ultrasound fuzzy for a second. The sonographer laughed with us and even had me laugh a few times to get the baby to move in the right direction- which worked a few times. At one time she was trying to get some measurements but this little kiddo wanted to face Matt and not the sonographer.
The fact that we were able to see these photos from an abdominal ultrasound and not the uncomfortable transvag took our breath away. This little one was moving like crazy with a beautiful hrt of 155 bpm at the time it was checked. The sonographer told us that even at our baby's stage of development she could probably find out the sex of the baby, but we told her not to worry about it- so she avoided "that area." :)
A few photos of Baby Skillen!
Profile. According to this ultrasound the baby is measuring 13wk 1day. According to dates I am 12 wks 3 days- so at least the baby is not small for gestation :)

We have a nasal bone! - which is a good thing!

The videos below show the baby: dancing, having the hiccups, and stretching. The hiccups video looks a little alien- but it is our little alien :)

The videos below show the baby: dancing, having the hiccups, and stretching. The hiccups video looks a little alien- but it is our little alien :)
Hiccups and heart beating