Love at first sight

Though we were in love with a baby, we decided to wait until the birth to find out if we were having a boy or a girl

Because at 38 wks and 3 days, around midnight on Tuesday October 19th we went to the hospital and the nurse midwife confirmed my water had broken Monday night. I wasn't having any painful contractions! They finally started around 11PM Tuesday night!
First Halloween- 1 1/2 weeks old
2 1/2 weeks old- first photos by Diana

Our 9 yr anniversary, December 15, 2010, Wyatt in tow (though the hostess didn't get him in the shot)

Wow is all I can say. Yesterday was Wyatt's 3 month birthday, which means he is 1/4 of a year old! He has changed so much. I am enjoying watching him change and grow; though I am not trying to push him to the next milestone.
At three months he has almost doubled his birthweight at #14 6.5 oz (birthweight #7 4.4 oz). In the last three months he has learned so much and interacts with us constantly. He loves to smile, coo, laugh, and squeal! He is starting to show interest in his Whoozit rattle.
He loves car rides so much he falls asleep most times. He loves watching the ceiling fan, even if it isn't running. He has loved his bouncer since we got it when he was a month old, but is now enjoying making it bounce. He loves music and enjoys dancing to it even more! He enjoys bath time in the sink, but really likes taking a tub bath. He loves being talked to, so we read books or just talk about the day. I'm sure Wyatt enjoys seeing all his friends at the mom's group as much as mommy loves spending time with the women at the group!
I have tried to cherish every moment and yet the time has gone by so fast I can't believe it.