November 7th, Wyatt had his first tub bath. It was also the first tub bath we had performed, so it wasn't the most zen like experience for Wyatt- I promise Wyatt's second tub bath was much more calm and relaxing! :)
On November 8th my parents had to go back home and Matt and I had to go back to a household of 3 for a week. We managed but I looked forward to Matt's mom coming up to visit soon!
Wyatt and mommy went to daddy's office a few times during the week during lunch.

I have been pumping once a day or so to have milk for practice feedings. November 12, daddy gave Wyatt his first bottle! Wyatt took it like a champ and didn't have any issues breastfeeding afterwards. He has since taken 2 more bottles, even one from momma! We plan to continue to give Wyatt a bottle every 2-3 days so we hope he will not have issues when momma and daddy have a date night (we have already been told we will have people waiting in the wings for when we are ready to go out) and when momma goes back to work.

November 15 was a very trying day as I was home with Wyatt and Matt was at work for the majority of the day. Wyatt did okay with his first morning feeding; but was fussy all day. He was having such gassy or abdominal pains that his only pain relief was being held; which meant I was unable to put him down to make something to eat. I got a serving of greek yogurt down in less than a 2-3 minutes and munched on dried fruit with a few nuts. Matt came home around 4 PM and saved me by making me some food and took over holding Wyatt. A friend from church was a God send and brought over a wonderful pasta dish!
That night thankfully Wyatt had his normal routine of eating and sleeping! I was counting down until Tuesday afternoon when Gma Deah would arrive!
Tuesday November 16- Gma Deah arrived!!! We have so enjoyed our visit with Gma Deah and will miss her when she has to go back home. Also, Wyatt's belly pains seem to have subsided! Official weigh in today 9lbs 2Oz!!!!
Also, the day Gma Deah arrived so did Wyatt's bouncer- a God send as well!
Daddy time
Gma Deah brought up a few gifts from Aunt G, Uncle Joe, and Avery- Wyatt loves his Flyers' outfit! Thanks Aunt G and Uncle Joe!

I can't believe my little boy is 4 wks old! It's gone by so fast and he is growing and changing everyday. Motherhood is messy, it's tiring with long hours and no financial pay - but there is no experience more rewarding than being a momma to this wonderful boy and watching Matt be a dad!