Our Uppa Baby Vista stroller arrived today and it was so easy to put together!
The Uppa Baby Vista comes with both the stroller seat and bassinet. We love the ease of use with this stroller and of course we love how it looks. It also has the capability to have a carseat adapter.
So here are the photos of our new stroller :)
I love the bassinet old style pram look and hope we can use it for early fall walks around the neighborhood before it gets too cold. If not outside we may be pushing him or her around the house.

The seat part can sit up high or recline to many positions including almost 180 degrees! We are super excited to go on walks at Zoo America, Hershey Gardens, and around Etown! Maybe we can get Regan to walk better on a leash so she can come too :)
I did a lot of research before we decided on this stroller. One of the reviews I like is this one:
How cute. You could take lots of walks around the mall with the bassinet too.
Love it!
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