Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Gotta love home maintenance!!! Orth Plumbing

When we bought this house we knew that the bath drain did not work, but we were content with using a rubber stopper to use the bath. Well, the week before we headed to Wtown one of the water temp knobs would turn but not turn water on. Of course it happened over the weekend. While we decided if we wanted to fix it our selves or call a plumber on Monday, Matt made a quick fix so I we could use the bath upstairs instead of the shower on the main floor.

We pulled off the access panel and realized this was a job for a plumber. The access panel did not allow us to get to the area we needed, that meant a call to Orth Plumbing!

After speaking with the owner of Orth Plumbing he told us that he could change our 3 knob into a single updated knob that would also reduce the scalding effect when someone flushes the toilet, turns on the sink, etc (3 knob and single updated knob is my version of plumber speak).
So in less than a day our shower was fixed and I was so glad we had the single handle- something I had wanted since we moved in!
When the drain part came in less than 2 days later, we had a fully functioning bath/shower! It is awesome and ready for future baby baths in the tub!

It's crazy how a little repair can make such a difference! Less time trying to balance hot and cold water with 2 knobs, now I just turn the handle where I like it and perfect temp water is awaiting me in the shower or bath!

Monday, June 21, 2010

20 wks-June 10, 2010 There is a baby bump

After our trip to Wtown (a post in progress) we went for our 20 wk ultrasound. Baby Skill-it is growing and it is starting to show though I still don't look obviously pregnant in my scrubs at work.

This ultrasound was a very detailed look into the development of Baby Skill-it. Our sonographer was so kind to look at each hand and foot to verify that according to the ultrasound Baby Skill-it has 10 fingers and 10 toes!!! A little information we were very glad to have!

Baby Skill-it has a closed spine- the folate intake appears to be adequate!

Below is what I believe has been jabbing me on my left side at times! It's baby Skill-it's left foot!

Baby's left arm

Right upper arm

A beautiful pumping 4 chamber heart! Makes my heart aflutter!

Right lower leg- both legs were ready to kick at any time and they did!

There's our sweet Baby Skill-it!!! The profile is getting bigger and bigger!

So, do we know what Baby Skill-it is? Nope! God and our sonographer are the only ones who know. It's not documented on the medical record either! We will know if Skill-it is a boy or girl hopefully no sooner than 18-20 wks!

After our ultrasound appt, we went to our OB apt to indicate that we are growing as we should- though they have told me I could gain some weight.....I feel that I am eating a lot. Weight is one thing, but our baby is growing right on schedule so I think I will keep on doing what I am doing. I have a friend that was told she needed to gain and then after she went back for her next appt they told her to slow down- say what?!?!?!? I think I will just listen to what my body says it wants :) I'm not restricting my calories, but I don't have crazy cravings except for fruits and veggies!

Again we covet your prayers as we continue our journey to parenthood!